01 09 10 Tweet Dietitians Eat Chocolate Too: It's The End Of The World, Not Your Diet, An 1800 Calorie Diet

Thursday, December 20, 2012

It's The End Of The World, Not Your Diet, An 1800 Calorie Diet

Happy Last Day On Earth Everyone!  As I have survived Rapture and Y2K, I figured we'd have a survival diet since we all want to go out in our skinny jeans.

1800 Calorie Diet (it's good since it's your last meal on earth)
1 C. Oatmeal
1 TBS Chia seeds (wink and nod to Mayans)
4 oz milk
1/2 banana
470 Calories, 18 g protein, 14 g fiber

2 cups salad with 2 TBS real ranch dressing
8 oz roasted chicken breast (no skin)
500 Calories, 35 g protein, 8 g fiber

1.5 cups whole wheat pasta with 1/2 cup of tomatoes (canned or fresh)
1 oz of cheese
1/2 cup of white beans
520 Calories, 20 g protein, 8 g fiber

310 Calories left.  You pick!