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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Weekly P90x Newsletter--7 Foods That Make You Smarter

I am one of those people that check their e-mail twice a day.  After I delete 50 e-mails, I then think about finally reading what I have left over.  I always make it a point to read the P90x Newsletters because they're succinct, interesting, and it's information I'm OK with standing behind.  It's the reason I use Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, but won't hold a candle to her "diet" advice.  Some of it's good but some I can't professionally agree with, sorry Jillian.  You can be my trainer any day though.

This week's newsletter: 7 Foods That Make You Smarter.  What are they?  Spinach, oatmeal, fish, berries, walnuts, yogurt and eggs.  Spinach, berries, and oatmeal are high in antioxidants while fish and eggs are good sources of protein and Omega-3s.  All are full of mono-unsaturated fats except the berries, spinach and yogurt.  I frequently see these foods grouped in diets for magazines and diet books.

So fill up your cart next time you're at the store.

Yet another photo from London.