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Monday, November 2, 2009

The holidays are coming back one carb at a time...

It's been crazy here as usual. Every one's kids at work seem to have fallen to the ham-demic (H1N1 people! Let's try to have a sense of humor at least).

I had a nice sinus infection and felt pretty sketchy last week until I got a z-pack from my doctor.
There was also a lady bug infestation I was flipping out about (they were all over my apartment) and I purchased Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, which I alternate in the morning with Amy Dixon's Ultimate Fat Burn. I've had crappy eating days but have lost 2 pounds by adding these little gems to my usual workout routine.

I also made a scary decision to attempt my first 10k race sometime in the spring (after my spring sinus infection which will probably hit in March/April).

I don't want to call it a race, I'd like to think of it as setting a goal and getting through it.

That being said, isn't Halloween weekend a lovely time to use a holiday to eat crap?

I thought so.

Ladies and gentlemen, it has begun (or it's been going on for a few weeks with the holiday season lay away)...carb fest 2009. Noshing on whatever leftover candy is in the house for the next few weeks leading up to Thanksgiving and Hanukkah/Christmas/Kwanzaa/Festivus (for the Seinfeld fans out there).

I'd say get up a smidge early and crank out 20 minutes of a cardio/sculpting workout, you'll burn about 100-200 calories; but you'll be building some muscle, and taking out a few calories that you may overeat during the day.

C'mon, who really passes up the cookie tray in December?