01 09 10 Tweet Dietitians Eat Chocolate Too: Unreal Candy Review Wine Pairing

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Unreal Candy Review Wine Pairing

It's been a few weeks and I am still recovering from the Pens blow out to the unnamed city that I will not speak of.  It was chased with 4 days in Jamaica and there was a period in June when I had abs.  I sort of feel like Kim Kardashian...whilst with child.

I'm going to work back on that again.  I wanted to give an epic shout out to some outrageous candy.

The title of this blog is: Dietitians Eat Chocolate Too, yet I rarely blog about junk food yet I eat worse than I write about.  

But I recommend this anti-Monsterous Monsanto Free sugar delight. Hear that? It's made with actual sugar. Shut up I know.  Regular sugar still exists out there. Not that clog my liver and turn into fat high fructose crap syrup (maybe that was the glass of wine talking).

I'm pretty sure this will not give you six-pack abs (yes, that is a glass of Red Velvet from Cupcake Vineyards, pick up a bottle) but it's a free food.  Free?  Well, unfortunately not Calorie free as I am pretty sure I have just exceeded my quota of their version of the candy coated chocolate that won't melt in your hand.  This Unjunked brand has 0 high fructose corn syrup, no dodgy chemicals, no crappy dyes, it's not organic but I picked up a big bag at Target for $3 so it's not the Whole Paycheck grocery chain of poverty.

Per serving here is how Unreal stacks up to a bag of M&M's
Unreal                M&Ms
190 Calories       230 Calories
3 g fiber              0 g fiber
4 g protein           2 g protein
24 g Carbs          34 g Carbs

Yes, this is not as bad for your diabetes as regular candy.  It's not converting straight to fat like regular candy does because there is no HFCS.  So it will eventually turn into fat if you just ate the amount that I did but basically effort is required on your part.

So let your kids (and yourself) have a few.
