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Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Battle Against Sitting Disease

JustStand.orgIn January's issue of Women's Health Magazine they feature a great website for promoting standing at Just Stand.  Check out their online Calorie calculator here. I could burn an extra 256 Calories per day by just standing which is about 25 minutes of exercise for me.  If your skeptical about the dangers of sitting I have a few articles to share but will keep it to one.

Now, if I had the luxury to work from home, I'd make the dive into purchasing a standing desk (gulp $300) but since I'm about 100% sure the guys at the office would not be excited, I'm going to 'make my own' with a few crates and boxes, basically you're looking to increase the screen height, keyboard/mouse pad.  I have a swivel chair that can adjust the height on and I'm going to hope for the best on this one.  But, I'd like to have that extra 256 Calories gone and do nothing!

JustStand Ergonomic Toolbox

  1. Workspace Planner@ ComputingComfort.org
  2. Ergonomic Payback Calculator@ Ergotron.com
  3. Costs of Physical Inactivity Calculator@ ECU.edu
  4. Poster: Office Stretch RoutinePDF from ComputingComfort.org
  5. Tips & Tricks for the Sit-Stand UserPDF from JustStand.org
  6. Standing Clock@ StandingClock.com
  7. Anti-RSI Software@ Workrave.com
  8. Burn Calories at Work FlyerPDF from JustStand.org