There are those epic weeks in life when you're not quite sure what your next move will be. Things go awry at work, awful things happen in the news, and you're not done with your holiday card list. This has been one of those weeks. While I could down my sorrows in a pint of Ben and Jerry's (I opted for 3 Christmas cookies and a Sam Adams) I spent more time trying to figure out what makes me happy and my impact on *yinz. In the past year, I made a lateral career move that has enabled me to make a dent in the hours needed to be a diabetes educator; got engaged; ran a half-marathon.
I also managed to not lose the ten lbs that keep me from Jillian Michaels' physique status. I am just the same, just wittier at work at least.
I'm starting to think more about where I'd like to take the direction of this blog and mostly, where YOU would like to see this blog go. More diets? Meal plans? Rants making fun of people that write diet books? My beer making adventures? Hit up my e-mail on the side or Twitter and let me know.