01 09 10 Tweet Dietitians Eat Chocolate Too: Twittering those calories away...

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Twittering those calories away...

So I find I have more time to blog when my sinuses are being assaulted by Spring pollen. Anyway, I stumbled upon probably the niftiest site on twitter:

Tweet What You Eat

I heard about this nifty little site via NPR (http://marketplace.publicradio.org/display/web/2009/03/31/am_twitter/ for the total story).

It's somewhat like an online food journal...that you obviously broadcast (or keep private) to everyone. You're less likely to overeat if you have to write something down...or type it.

Alright, I'm up for another dose of my beloved Advil Cold and Sinus.

Hey at least it's warming up!