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Saturday, January 5, 2013

Awesome New Blog: The Chic Life - Food, Fashion, Fitness

So true <3
Source: Pinterest
"Hell of a Season" from the Black Keys has really summarized these past two days at work.  I try to keep it positive as always!  Well, I'm at the point where it's necessary to fire up the home brewing kit I bought from Brooklyn Brewery about a month ago and have some fermented fun.  Yes, I needed the most hipster beer making kit.

Anyway, the real reason I wanted to post on this sunny/cold Midwestern Saturday is to shower you in the sunny/post-holiday season site of The Chic Life and the Eat in Month 2013 Challenge.

The guidelines: "Eat every single meal (breakfast, lunch, dinner, brunch, snacks…whatever you choose!) “in”. The goal is to eat “in” more than you did before January to save money and eat healthy meals & snacks."

Please click the highlighted link above for additional information.