As I'm in the relocation process (can't believe I'm finally moving back to Ohio it's not Pittsburgh but I'm finally in the same place as Steve). I've photographed a few breakfast items with recipes (since my plates are now boxed up).
Add 1-2 TBS of cinnamon to your coffee grounds before brewing. Fill mugs 3/4 full leaving room for 1% milk that you've frothed...Frothy Fast Morning Latte..
it's good for any day
beat 1 egg with 2 TBS milk add a tsp of agave nectar and a tsp of cinnamon.
Dip any brand of whole grain toast (I used Ezekiel) and cook for 2-3 minutes per side in a pan sprayed with non-stick spray
I love Van's Waffles. They should sponsor me and pay me in waffles. Seriously. Their Lite waffles are the best. I top these with Fage Greek yogurt with cherry filling on the bottom and a 1/2 banana.