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Thursday, April 2, 2009

Spring Fever

Sorry I fell off the planet again. Getting a handle on the new job/getting acclimated to a new area really zaps your time! Anyway, there's been so much going on in nutrition that I really needed to get a few rants out of my system before I can truly enjoy this new season.

The Weight Watchers Points system is currently the bane of my existence (coworkers, friends, random people all seem to be on it). Actually, diet programs that lack a plan once you reach that dream number on your scale are about as useful as a beeper in the midst of Blackberry Pearls.

I also hate it when people prance around with their 100 Calorie Snack Packs.

Oh, and Nutrisystem....

I am screaming inside.

Try the interactive Food Guide Pyramid. The USDA knows what they're talking about nutrition wise, I've worked with some amazing people and it's a fun tool to see what you should really be eating.