Well, we are about 6-7 weeks in on our New Year's Resolutions (or my fellow Catholics are in Lent, I've given up: swearing, junk food, and using my credit card, I also hate my life right now but will be stronger for my lack of needing 'things'). With everyone trying to turn over a new leaf of behaviors, some people need to learn a few things. This list comprises a few things that annoy me that I see frequently (I am guilty of a few of these).
Source: eonline.com |
- Wipe off your machines before and after using them, don't ever assume.
- Don't leave your gum on the water bottle holders...I mean chewed gum. Someone is paid to clean off machines periodically and I don't want my water bottle sporting your chewed up wad of Big Red.
- Leave your cell phone in your glove box, locked up in a locker, or just go somewhere that isn't a high traffic area if you really need to lose it.
- Those metal boxes? They aren't for your towel, iPhone, magazine, or car keys, someone might need to use it.
- Get to classes a few minutes early to set up or if you need to leave before the end of a class, pick a discrete corner and slip out.
- Never, ever, leave during shavasana (corpse pose in yoga), people are happily not moving and are in a semi-dead to the world state. Don't ruin this by opening the door and jolting people into the beats of Rihanna. I love Rihanna, just not when I'm trying to crash.